Meat Institute Welcomes Growing Support for Prioritizing Vaccines for Frontline Meat and Poultry Workers

10 December, 2020

WASHINGTON, DC - Governor Laura Kelly of Kansas and the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) joined a growing chorus of support for prioritizing COVID-19 vaccination for frontline meat and poultry workers.

Meat Institute President and CEO Julie Anna Potts commented:

"We welcome growing support for building on effective COVID-19 prevention measures by ensuring priority access to vaccines for frontline meat and poultry workers. Vaccination is the next critical step that will protect this diverse workforce and facilitate vaccine distribution in rural areas with limited health services."

According to Meat and Poultry, Governor Kelly said December 4 that meatpacking plants will be near the top of the priority list to receive the COVID-19 vaccination following health care workers and those in long-term care facilities.

LULAC welcomed Governor Kelly's statement, saying

"Food and agricultural workers are heroes. They have been on the front lines of the pandemic, ensuring Americans have access to safe, nutritious, affordable food and they should be at the front of the line for the vaccine as well."

The Meat Institute joined the National Cattlemen's Beef Association and the National Pork Producers Council in requesting the nation's governors include meat workers in priority vaccine plans.

The Meat Institute is advocating that federal authorities also consider the scientific, ethical, and distribution benefits of prioritizing vaccination for frontline meat and poultry workers, which are also being considered around the world, including in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Meat Institute members are also offering cold storage capacity that could aid vaccine distribution for all Americans.

Read the Meat Institute's comments to the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices here and our letter to governors here.


About the Meat Institute: The North American Meat Institute is the leading voice for the meat and poultry industry. The Meat Institute's members process the vast majority of U.S. beef, pork, lamb, and poultry, as well as manufacture the equipment and ingredients needed to produce the safest and highest quality meat and poultry products.