Supplier LOCT

Supplier LOCT

The Supplier Leadership on Climate Transition (Supplier LOCT) program is a sustainability-focused initiative designed to help companies, and their suppliers align on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals. This program equips suppliers with the tools and resources needed to implement sustainable practices, reduce their environmental impact, and improve overall supply chain sustainability.

By fostering collaboration and accountability, the Supplier LOCT program enables companies to drive progress toward sustainability targets, promote responsible sourcing, and build resilient, eco-conscious supply chains for a more sustainable future.

  • Enrollment Periods: Fall 2025 (enroll by July 31).
  • Format: Monthly webinars with homework and office hours.
  • Participants: Up to 5 individuals per company. Recommended roles include environmental sustainability lead, procurement, and finance/accounting.
  • Fee: $1,650 per company per course
  • Benefits: Live webinars, discussion boards, case studies, expert office hours, real-world examples, driving progress on mission measurement and abatement, and course completion certificates for both participating company and participants.
  • Courses Offered:

Supplier LOCT Iceberg

Enroll by July 31    
to advance your company’s climate transition and continue driving progress on your Meat Institute Reporting goals!

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