Industry at a Glance

In 2021, the Meat and Poultry industry produced1:
- 27.95 billion pounds of beef – a record volume.
- 27.67 billion pounds of pork.
- 53.2 million pounds of veal.
- 138.4 million pounds of lamb and mutton.
- 50.4 billion pounds of poultry.
Occupational Safety and Hazards Administration (OSHA) Injury and illness rates for workers have steadily declined.
The United States exports about $30 billion in livestock and animal products3.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, meat and poultry processing is a $227.9 billion industry.2

Meat and poultry packers and processors employ more than 532,000 people.4
Average starting salary was $16.00 per hour on average, which has grown to more than $22.00 per hour today.4
- Livestock Slaughter 2021 Summary 04/20/2022 (
Poultry Slaughter 2021 Summary 02/25/2022 ( - US Census Bureau Annual Survey of Manufacturers
AM1831BASIC02: Annual Survey of... - Census Bureau Table - USDA FAS Global Agricultural Trade System (GATS)
- U.S. Census Bureau Statistic of U.S. Businesses (SUSB) 2019 SUSB Annual Data Tables by Establishment Industry ( (Jobs # and wages):