Cookie Policy

We use cookies and similar technologies (referred to herein simply as “cookies”) to facilitate and improve the performance and security of our website (,,,,,, (collectively, the “Websites”) and to enhance user experience.

The Websites may utilize or permit several different categories of cookies, as follows:

  • Essential cookies – Some cookies may be essential for the proper operation of the Websites. For example, they may facilitate page navigation or assist with security checks.
  • Functional cookies – These cookies allow us to remember your preferences and allow us to make the Websites experience better for you.
  • Performance/analytics cookies – These cookies allow us to analyze how visitors use our Websites and to measure Website performance. This allows us to provide a quality experience by customizing our offering and quickly identifying and fixing any issues that arise. For example, we might use performance cookies to keep track of what content is popular, or to learn what links between pages are most effective or why some pages are receiving error messages.
  • Advertising cookies – These cookies may be used to highlight articles, other content, or services that we think will be of interest to you based on your use of the Websites. They may also be utilized by third parties when a third-party content feed has been included in the Websites so that you can view videos and social media streams.

Use of cookies on our Websites

We do use or allow certain third parties to serve cookies on the Websites. We may allow third parties to serve cookies to help identify fraudulent or automated traffic on the Websites. In addition, third parties that provide content feeds may serve cookies. We may use third-party cookies to help us with market research, improving functionality, and enforcing Website terms and policies. For example, like many companies, we use Google Analytics to help us evaluate our website traffic. You can see how Google Analytics uses cookie information across various websites by visiting, or any successor webpage that Google may provide.

Specific third-party cookies and associated privacy practices

The Websites may permit the following cookies:

Cookie and ProviderCategoryPrivacy Notice of Provider
Google Analytics (_ga, _ga***, google-analytics_***, _gid, _gat_gtag_UA_***)Analytics and performance
Google Ads and DoubleClick (1P_JAR)Marketing and advertising
Microsoft Bing (cf_zaraz_bing***)Marketing and advertising
Facebook (facebook-pixel***, cf_zaraz_facebook-pixel***, _fbp, fr. Sb, datr)Marketing and advertising
Cloudflare (_cflb, _cf_bm)Functional
Reddit (_rdt_uuid)Marketing and advertising
Marketo (_mkto_trk)Marketing and advertising
Microsoft (ai_user, ARRAffinitySameSite, ARRAffinity, ASP.NET_SessionId)Necessary
Microsoft (ai_session)Analytics and performance
ThingsToDo (readyurl, currenturl, TimeZone, cookie-agreed)Functional 
LinkedIn (cf_zaraz_linkedin-insight***)Marketing and advertising
Youtube (VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, CONSENT, YSC)Marketing and advertising
Impexium (QAUTTRO.ANONYMOUS)Functional
Feathr (f_id, feathr_session_id))Marketing and advertising
X (formerly known as Twitter) (guest_id_ads, guest_id_marketing, guest_id, personalization_id, muc_ads)Marketing and advertising
MagnetMail (_rm_ts, _rm_tk)Functional


Your browser may allow you to disable certain cookies. Also, the third party listed for a given cookie may provide an opt out tool for that cookie. Note that disabling cookies may in some instances impact the functionality of the Websites. Opt-out functionality for Google Analytics can be found here.

You may learn more about advertising networks and opt out of receiving personalized advertisements on this browser or device from advertisers who are members of the Network Advertising Initiative or who subscribe to the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising by visiting the opt-out options of each of those organizations. Links to their opt-out sites are set forth below.

Network Advertising Initiative:

Digital Advertising Alliance:

Note that, when you opt out of personalized advertising, you may continue to see online advertising on the Websites and/or our ads on other websites and online services. Also, given that many opt-outs themselves use a cookie to effectuate an opt-out preference, you may need to opt-out again if you clear cookies on your browser.

Changes to this Cookie Policy

We may revise this Cookie Policy from time to time in order to reflect changes in our use of cookies, changes in the law, changes in our services, or best practices. We encourage you to review this Cookie Policy periodically.