North American Meat Institute: State Court Halts Enforcement of Prop 12

State of California Must Finalize Rules First

WASHINGTON, DC - The North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) today praised the ruling issued by the Superior Court for Sacramento County in California to halt enforcement of Proposition 12 (Prop 12 or the law) because the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is more than two years late finalizing complicated and costly regulations.

Meat Institute to SCOTUS: Prop 12 Unconstitutional

WASHINGTON, DC - In an Amicus Brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court, The North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) today urged the Court to reverse a lower court's judgement upholding California's Proposition 12 (Prop 12 or the law).

"A fundamental premise of our federal system is that each State is a sovereign laboratory of democracy, but only within its own borders," the Meat Institute said in its brief. "As a result, the Constitution denies California the authority to dictate the conditions under which farm animals must be housed outside California's borders.

Center of the Plate Training

The Center of the Plate Training® is a 2.5-day course designed to teach you the fundamentals of meat specifications by giving you a first-hand look at how carcasses convert to cuts commonly used in retail and food service. A lively learning experience, detailed cutting demonstrations of all the major center of the plate protein items: beef, veal, lamb, and pork, as well as sections on poultry, processed meats, and nutrition.

Animal Care and Handling Conference

Wholesome, quality meat starts with raising healthy animals and providing the most humane care throughout their life cycle. Join us at the Animal Care & Handling Conference to gain valuable insights addressing issues affecting meat processing companies and key strategies for continuous improvement in animal care. This year's event will dive deeper into new technology and innovation in animal welfare.