FAD Guidance #1: FAD Preparedness

The occurrence of a foreign animal disease (FAD) in the U.S. could devastate the food animal industries. In the event of an outbreak, it is likely that live animal movement, product movement, and exports would be halted for an unknown amount of time. Being prepared for an outbreak situation can help keep plants running or shorten the amount of time that movement or exports are stalled in the event a foreign animal disease is discovered in the U.S.

Beef, pork, and lamb slaughter establishments are unique compared to live animal production units in FAD detection, as they will operate under the oversight of two governmental bodies, the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS), if a foreign animal disease is detected. Additionally, State Animal Health Officials (SAHO) have jurisdiction in their respective state in the event of an outbreak and will work with APHIS to facilitate response activities. The establishment must work cooperatively with all regulatory agencies to ensure that all necessary steps are taken in an FAD response, as well as the subsequent steps required to continue normal business operations after an outbreak is contained.

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