FAD Guidance #4: Biosecurity and Cleaning/Disinfection
FAD Guidance #4: Biosecurity and Cleaning/Disinfection
Slaughter facilities implement measures every day to ensure the safety of the people and animals involved in their operations. However, in the event of a foreign animal disease (FAD) outbreak, biosecurity measures on all facilities which house animals for even a brief period of time will be heightened. Existing procedures may not account for these increased precautions.
This guidance document will aid beef, pork, and lamb slaughter establishments on the proper biosecurity measures to take in the event of a foreign animal disease finding in their facility. Both structural and operational biosecurity measures must be considered. Since much of the structural biosecurity in slaughter facilities is already in place and cannot be changed, this document will focus on operational measures to prevent FADs from leaving a slaughter facility and spreading to other slaughter facilities, livestock production facilities, or to livestock at the homes of employees.