Press Releases
Meat Institute Congratulates Speaker of the House Mike Johnson
The Meat Institute today released the following statement regarding the election of Representative Mike Johnson (R-La.) to be Speaker of the House.
Meat Institute’s Dr. KatieRose McCullough Appointed to USDA Food Safety Advisory Committee
The Meat Institute today announced Dr. KatieRose McCullough was appointed to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF) bringing her scientific expertise and industry knowledge to federal food safety agencies.
Meat Institute Selects Class of 2024 Emerging Leaders
The Meat Institute selected 20 participants for its 2024 Emerging Leaders Program, which promotes and develops future leaders in the meat and poultry industry.
New data highlight continuous improvement, sustainability across meat sector
In the second year of the meat sector’s pioneering data collection and reporting on five key focus areas for continuous improvement, the number of companies submitting data grew by nearly 60% and now covering more than half of all establishments operated by Meat Institute members.
Landmark tool supports meat sector greenhouse gas reduction targets
A new tool released jointly today by the North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) and the United Nations Global Compact Network USA (the U.S. chapter of the United Nations Global Compact) will aid meat companies of all sizes in measuring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions – advancing the Meat Institute’s aim for 100% of its members to set science-based GHG reduction targets in line with the Paris Climate Agreement.
Meat Institute Partners with IT-ISAC to Improve Cybersecurity with New Food & Ag ISAC
The North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) today announced a new partnership with the Information Technology-Information Sharing and Analysis Center (IT-ISAC) on the launch of a Food and Agriculture ISAC to enhance cybersecurity for the meat and poultry industry.
Protein PACT Academic Advisory Council launched to inform continuous improvement and identify research priorities
CONTACT:Sarah Little(443) 440-0029
WASHINGTON, DC - The North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) today announced the launch of the Protein PACT Academic Advisory Council, formed to advise on research priorities and the latest evidence related to meat production and consumption.
The seven members of the advisory council are renowned independent researchers from the United States' top universities, with expertise encompassing environmental sustainability, human nutrition and development, combating hunger, and more.
Advisory Council members are:
North American Meat Institute to House Ag Subcommittee: Meat and Poultry Industry Facing Headwinds, Remains Resilient with Record Production
CONTACT: Sarah Little (443) 440-0029
WASHINGTON, DC - At a hearing of the House Agriculture Committee's Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy and Poultry, Bryan Burns, Vice President and Associate General Counsel of the North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) said the meat and poultry industry was facing economic headwinds, challenges in the courts and hurdles with new regulations but remains resilient with record production.
"I want to emphasize that the industry is incredibly resilient, despite claims to the contrary," said Burns. "Against challenges such as COVID, supply chain disruptions, labor availability, and the impact of drought, beef production set new records for four consecutive years from 2019 through 2022. Pork production has seen its highest four-year totals over the same period."
In Case You Missed It Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Says: "The Big Meat Conspiracy Theory Unravels"
CONTACT: Sarah Little (443) 440-0029
WASHINGTON, DC - The Wall Street Journal's editorial board ran the following editorial in the May 14, 2023 edition of the paper: "The Big Meat Conspiracy Theory Unravels" Tyson Foods loses money, which doesn't sound like a monopoly.
Remember when President Biden and progressives last year accused meat packers of colluding to fatten their profits. Are they now conspiring to lose money? Tyson Foods last week reported its first quarterly loss since 2009 as meat prices tumbled. Here's a lesson in market economics, Mr. President.
North American Meat Institute: SCOTUS Decision to Uphold Lower Court Ruling on Prop 12 Disappointing
CONTACT: NAMI: Sarah Little (443) 440-0029
North American Meat Institute: PRIME Act is a Food Safety Risk
WASHINGTON, DC – The North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) today again announced its opposition to the Processing Revival and Intrastate Meat Exemption Act, or the PRIME Act, for the risk it poses to food safety.
“American consumers rely on rigorous USDA inspection to ensure the safety and quality of their meat and poultry,” said Meat Institute President and CEO Julie Anna Potts. “Allowing meat to enter commerce without inspection – and without alerting consumers they are buying uninspected meat -- jeopardizes food safety and will undermine consumer confidence in all meat products.”
The PRIME Act was reintroduced in the U.S. House by Representatives Thomas Massie (R- Ky.) and Chellie Pingree (D-Maine). U.S. Senators Angus King (I-Maine) and Rand Paul (R-Ky.) have introduced the same bill in the Senate.
Meat Institute to House Ag: More to Beef & Cattle Markets than Packers & Producers
WASHINGTON, DC - The North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) today said the beef and cattle markets are complex, driven by supply and demand and have more participants than packers and producers who add value at each step in production.
"Too often, the policy debate around the cattle and beef industry is an overly-simplified discussion limited to cattle producers versus beef packers. It is imperative policy makers remember: packers don't buy fed cattle from cow-calf producers; nor do packers sell beef to consumers," said Julie Anna Potts, President and CEO of the Meat Institute. "Congress and USDA should not make radical changes to the cattle and beef markets: such changes will up-end the markets, increase costs for the entire supply chain, including for consumers during this time of record inflation, and bring unintended consequences."
North American Meat Institute Honors Health and Wellness Award Winners
CONTACT: Casey Kammerle (610) 312-4428
WASHINGTON, DC - The North American Meat Institute (NAMI) today awarded SugarCreek Packing, Marcus Technologies, Tyson Foods, and SuKarne with NAMI's inaugural Health and Wellness Awards at the Environment, Labor and Safety+ Conference.
North American Meat Institute Recognizes Environmental Achievement Award Winners
CONTACT: Casey Kammerle (610) 312-4428
WASHINGTON, DC - The North American Meat Institute (NAMI) today recognized more than 200 meat and poultry plants at the 2023 Environmental, Labor and Safety+ Conference in Carlsbad, California for their positive environmental impact achievements. Fifteen additional establishments that went above and beyond were granted Environmental Achievement Awards for their progress with emissions reduction, energy conservation, packaging/food waste reduction, technological innovation, and water conservation.
North American Meat Institute Honors Worker Safety Award Winners
CONTACT: Casey Kammerle (610) 312-4428
WASHINGTON, DC - The North American Meat Institute (NAMI) today recognized more than 160 meat and poultry plants at the 2023 Environmental, Labor and Safety+ Conference in Carlsbad, California for improving and achieving high levels of safety performance.
Maple Leaf Foods Wins NAMI's Inaugural Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award
CONTACT: Casey Kammerle (610) 312-4428
WASHINGTON, DC - The North American Meat Institute (NAMI) today honored Maple Leaf Foods at the Environment, Labor and Safety+ Conference with the highest award for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).
"It is clear that Maple Leaf Foods has spent thoughtful time and energy on fostering a diverse and inclusive workspace for their employees," said NAMI President and CEO Julie Anna Potts. "NAMI is proud of Maple Leaf's leadership and commitment to continuous improvement in the meat and poultry industry and in the communities that they serve."
Meat Institute Hires Kelsey Carlson as Strategic Content & Programming Director
CONTACT: Sarah Little (443) 440-0029
Annual Meat Conference Exhibitors Donate Meat and Poultry Products to North Texas Food Bank
Exhibitors at the Annual Meat Conference , co-hosted by FMI, The Food Industry Association and the North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute), following the event in Dallas, Texas, donated meat and poultry products to The North Texas Food Bank, a nonprofit devoted to closing the hunger gap in North Texas. The donation will provide more than 6,930 meals.
Black Professionals in Food and Agriculture, North American Meat Institute Enter Partnership
WASHINGTON, DC – Black Professionals in Food and Agriculture (BPFA) and the North American Meat Institute (NAMI) entered a partnership to amplify black voices and promote diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) in food and agriculture spaces.
“As BPFA membership continues to expand, it is imperative that we meet this moment by elevating opportunities to carry out our mission of promoting, advancing, and ensuring representation of Black policy professionals,” said Kellie Adesina, BPFA President. “This partnership solidifies NAMI’s commitment to growing the current and emerging cohorts of Black leaders in the food and agriculture space and is only the beginning of what is certain to be a fruitful relationship between BPFA and NAMI.”
18th annual Power of Meat report: meat purchases rise above pre-pandemic levels, consumers look for value
March 6, 2023 (Washington, D.C.) - Americans are buying more fresh meat than before the COVID-19 pandemic and are seeking value in terms of price, convenience and better-for attributes in meat purchases, according to the 18th annual Power of Meat report released today bythe Meat Institute and FMI—The Food Industry Association.
Self-described “meat eaters” comprise 78% of Americans, compared to just 7% who describe themselves as vegan or vegetarian. Shoppers spend more than $15 in the meat department per trip and average nearly one trip to the meat department per week (up nearly 5% since 2019). While 50% of shoppers get their meat from a supermarket, many turn to supercenters (35%), club stores (4%) and hard discounters (5%) for their meat purchases.