Press Releases
NAMI: FSIS’ New Label Proposal for Meat & Poultry Will Raise Prices for Consumers
WASHINGTON, DC – The North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) today said the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service’s (FSIS) latest attempt at proposed rules for a “Product of the USA” label for meat products are again likely to result in trade retaliation from Canada and Mexico costing American consumers and businesses billions of dollars.
“Unfortunately, this proposed rule is problematic for many reasons. USDA should have considered more than public sentiment on an issue that impacts international trade,” said Meat Institute President and CEO Julie Anna Potts. “Our members make considerable investments to produce beef, pork, lamb, veal and poultry products in American facilities, employing hundreds of thousands of workers in the U.S. and with processes overseen by USDA inspectors. This food should be allowed to be labeled a ‘Product of the USA.”
NAMI Applauds Full Senate Approval of Alexis Taylor's Nomination to be Undersecretary of Ag for Trade
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 21, 2022
CONTACT: Sarah Little (443) 440-0029
WASHINGTON, DC - The North American Meat Institute (NAMI or the Meat Institute) today applauded Senate confirmation of Alexis Taylor to be Undersecretary of Agriculture for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs.
"The meat and poultry industry supported Taylor's nomination," said Meat Institute President and CEO Julie Anna Potts. "Alexis' experience working in Congress, in the Department and as Oregon Secretary of Agriculture make her uniquely qualified for this role," said Potts. "She is the right person at the right time to lead the nation's focus on strengthening exports, expanding access to new markets and navigating an increasingly unpredictable global economy. We look forward to working with her especially as meat and poultry products are seeing record demand at home and abroad."
Donation to Feeding America provides 200,000 meals
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 20, 2022
CONTACT: Sarah Little (443) 440-0029
Meat Institute Congratulates Rep. Thompson for Being Elected Chairman of House Ag Committee
CONTACT: Sarah Little (443) 440-0029
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) today released the following statement from Meat Institute President and CEO Julie Anna Potts regarding the House Republican Conference's election of U.S. Representative Glenn "GT" Thompson (R-PA-15) to serve as Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee for the 118th Congress.
"Chairman Thompson has been an outspoken supporter of the meat and poultry industry and we congratulate him on his selection by his colleagues to serve as Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee," says Meat Institute President and CEO Julie Anna Potts. "He will provide strong leadership as the Congress tackles a new Farm Bill and we look forward to working with him in his new role."
Recognizing animal protein's critical role ahead of UN Climate Summit Agriculture Day
WASHINGTON, DC - The Interamerican Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) convened its first-ever "Sustainable Agriculture in the Americas" pavilion at the UN Climate Summit (COP27) and partnered with the Protein PACT and other stakeholders to convene a total of 9 events focused on animal agriculture's key role in sustainability solutions.
U.S. Meat Sector Releases First-Ever Data Report on Environment, Other Key Indicators
CONTACT: Sarah Little (443) 440-0029
WASHINGTON, DC - A major new report released in advance of the United Nations Climate Summit next week in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, reveals that about 81% of facilities reporting data are covered by Meat Institute members' commitments to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
NAMI and FMI: New Look for the Annual Meat Conference
WASHINGTON, DC - The North American Meat Institute and FMI - The Food Industry Association today unveiled a new look for the Annual Meat Conference (AMC) while promising a renewed, high-impact forum to encourage strategic trading partner experiences and to better deliver on the demands from the meat customer.
"Our pulse on the shopper has never wavered, but we recently made some new discoveries about our organizations, the businesses we represent and how we deliver an event experience to support our members' goals for innovation and growth," said the organizations. "We decided that 2023 is our year to design a brand with the team at Midan Marketing that evokes a modern, personalized protein experience."
North American Meat Institute Selects Class of 2023 Emerging Leaders
WASHINGTON, DC - The North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) selected 12 participants for its 2023 Emerging Leaders Program, which will apply the vision of the Meat Institute's Protein PACT to future industry executives who proved themselves ready to take the next step in their leadership journey.
This unique program - sponsored by Food Safety Net Services, A Certified Group Company and Sealed Air- will prepare the winners with the knowledge and understanding, at both the industry level and operational level, they need to champion continuous improvement outlined in the Protein PACT within their own organizations and the industry.
These participants were selected based off their commitment to continuous improvement in the industry, their leadership potential and the individual initiative they've demonstrated.
NAMI Board of Directors Elects New Officers for 2023
ORLANDO, FL - The North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) Board of Directors today elected its slate of officers for 2023, with Steve Van Lannen, President and COO of American Foods Group, elected to serve as the incoming Chairman in January of 2023.
"This is both an exciting and a challenging time for the meat and poultry industry," said incoming Chairman Steve Van Lannen. "We will continue to build on the leadership of our past Chairman, Brad McDowell, to ensure the Meat Institute continues to provide exemplary service to its members and, through the Protein PACT, support the industry's contributions to healthy people, a healthy planet and healthy animals."
In addition, Peter Bozzo, Vice President of Michael's Finer Meats and Seafood, was selected to serve as Secretary and will serve his first term as an officer.
The 2023 Slate of Officers includes:
America's meat companies fill the "protein gap" to help end hunger in the United States
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 28, 2022
CONTACT: Sarah Little (443) 440-0029
WASHINGTON, DC - Aligned with the Biden administration's goal of ending hunger in the United States and with the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, the North American Meat Institute and America's leading meat companies are advancing industry-wide best practices and increasing access to nutrient-dense meat for families in need.
NAMI Calls for Swift Senate Approval of Esteban, Taylor and McKalip Nominations
WASHINGTON, DC - The North American Meat Institute (NAMI or the Meat Institute) called for swift consideration of three nominations critical to the meat and poultry industry pending before the full Senate: Jose Emilio Esteban to be Undersecretary of Agriculture for Food Safety, Alexis Taylor to be Undersecretary of Agriculture for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs and Doug McKalip, nominated to be Chief Agricultural Trade Negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR).
"The meat and poultry industry supports the nominations of Esteban, Taylor and McKalip," said Meat Institute President and CEO Julie Anna Potts. "Their leadership in food safety and trade is much needed and with strong bipartisan support, they should be considered without further needless delay."
U.S. Chamber Agrees: Proposed Legislation Would Micromanage Beef Markets, Harm Consumers
CONTACT: Sarah Little (443) 440-0029
WASHINGTON, DC -In Case You Missed It: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the world's largest business organization, agreed with the North American Meat Institute and concluded beef market legislation before the House and Senate would "dramatically expand the federal government's role and ultimately harm consumers," in a post shared to their blog here.
The blog post was written by the U.S. Chamber's Sean Heather, Senior Vice President, International Regulatory Affairs & Antitrust, and was published July 12, 2022.
The following is complete text:
U.S. Chamber Agrees: Proposed Legislation Would Micromanage Beef Markets, Harm Consumers
WASHINGTON, DC – In Case You Missed It: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the world’s largest business organization, agreed with the North American Meat Institute and concluded beef market legislation before the House and Senate would “dramatically expand the federal government’s role and ultimately harm consumers,” in a post shared to their blog here.
The blog post was written by the U.S. Chamber’s Sean Heather, Senior Vice President, International Regulatory Affairs & Antitrust, and was published July 12, 2022.
The following is complete text:
Industry Leaders Strengthen Collaboration on Food Security
CONTACT: Sarah Little (443) 440-0029
WASHINGTON, DC - The North American Meat Institute's (NAMI or the Meat Institute) Executive Board voted unanimously late Friday to designate food security a non-competitive issue, strengthening industry-wide efforts to end hunger and ensure families in need have access to nutrient-dense meat.
NAMI: Prices for Cattle at Record Highs; Grassley-Fischer & Special Investigator Bills Costly
WASHINGTON, DC – With the U.S. House and Senate considering legislation to intervene in beef and cattle markets, prices for cattle are at or near record highs calling into question the need for heavy-handed government interference.
“Just last week one cattle marketing analyst described the high prices as ‘stratospheric,’” said Julie Anna Potts, President and CEO of the North American Meat Institute. “As many industry economists have said, the beef and cattle markets are continuing to behave predictably given supply and demand and do not need government mandates and intervention.
“The Grassley-Fischer bill being marked-up in the Senate Agriculture Committee this week will cost producers in the largest cattle producing region millions of dollars, and producers around the country will lose the ability to market their cattle as they choose.
NAMI: Prices for Cattle at Record Highs; Grassley-Fischer & Special Investigator Bills Costly
CONTACT: Sarah Little (443) 440-0029
WASHINGTON, DC - With the U.S. House and Senate considering legislation to intervene in beef and cattle markets, prices for cattle are at or near record highs calling into question the need for heavy-handed government interference.
North American Meat Institute Applauds Passage of Ocean Shipping Reform Act
CONTACT: Sarah Little (443) 440-0029
WASHINGTON, DC - The North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) today applauded the House of Representatives for passing a bipartisan bill to address unreasonable ocean carrier practices undermining the competitiveness of American exporters, including the meat and poultry industry. The bill , the Ocean Shipping Reform Act, which was introduced by Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and John Thune (R-S.D.), now goes to the President to be signed into law. The Meat Institute also thanks Representatives John Garamendi (D-Calif.) and Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) for their leadership on the House version of the bill.
Meat Institute to SCOTUS: Prop 12 Unconstitutional
WASHINGTON, DC - In an Amicus Brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court, The North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) today urged the Court to reverse a lower court's judgement upholding California's Proposition 12 (Prop 12 or the law).
"A fundamental premise of our federal system is that each State is a sovereign laboratory of democracy, but only within its own borders," the Meat Institute said in its brief. "As a result, the Constitution denies California the authority to dictate the conditions under which farm animals must be housed outside California's borders.
"Nor may California erect trade barriers whose purpose and effect are to regulate commerce outside the State."
The brief was filed in support of the National Pork Producers Council and the American Farm Bureau Federation in their case against Karen Ross, Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture.
North American Meat Institute: Special Investigator to Cost Taxpayer $9 Million; is Redundant
WASHINGTON, DC - The North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) today released the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives approved H.R. 7606, the Lower Food and Fuel Cost Act, a bill that establishes a special investigator for meat and poultry at the U.S. Department of Agriculture:
"We are disappointed the House voted to waste $9 million in taxpayer dollars on a redundant special investigator when that money would be much better spent helping Americans seeking assistance from record inflation," said Julie Anna Potts, President and CEO of the Meat Institute. "This bill simply replicates the authorities already granted to USDA and the Department of Justice to enforce the Packers and Stockyards Act and creates an expensive new government office."
North American Meat Institute: Meat and Poultry Industry is Resilient
CONTACT: Sarah Little (443) 440-0029
WASHINGTON, DC - The North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) today released the following statement in response to a U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service report on Agricultural Competition and the first in a series of rules changes the Administration is proposing under the Packers and Stockyards Act: