Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Awards
2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Awards
Apply online between January 2 and January 31.
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Awards were developed to recognize those companies that have committed to promoting and implementing a diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy within their organizations. The criteria includes:
- Mission, Vision, and Values
- Goals, Targets, and Initiatives
- Leadership and Accountability
- Infrastructure and Implementation
- Recruitment and Retention
- Training and Education
- Community Awareness/Engagement
- Culture
- Other
To be considered for these awards, all participants must submit supporting documentation and data about their projects and/or implemented programs to verify the achievements claimed in the submitted application. Graphs, charts and/or photographs are also helpful.
- Open to all Meat Institute member types: General (Packer/Processor), Supplier, or Allied.
- These are awarded per Company/Organization
- The company/organization must show strong evidence of specific diversity, equity, and inclusion work that accomplishes three or more of the following Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award Criteria:
Mission, Vision, and Values | Company recognizes the value of diversity, equity, and inclusion as part of its mission and business operation and has clearly stated its commitment internally and/or externally. | Clear mission, vision statement, or values that include diversity, equity, and inclusion. Clear DEI strategy document. |
Goals, Targets, and Initiatives | Company has goals, targets, and initiatives for how to achieve desired outcomes around diversity, equity, and inclusion. Goals and targets are aligned towards the mission/vision statement. Has defined processed to review and report on metrics to drive increased change. | DEI goals, targets, and initiatives are established. Evidence of review and reporting processes. |
Leadership and Accountability | Senior leaders view diversity, equity, and inclusion goals as within their responsibility and are held accountable to demonstrating these values. Senior leaders can articulate the strategy with confidence and reinforce with teams internally & externally. Role model and teach inclusive leadership behaviors. | Examples of senior leadership actions and processes that demonstrate accountability. |
Infrastructure and Implementation | Designated staff role(s), external consultant, and/or diversity council or similar body in place responsible for diversity, equity, and inclusion goals, targets, and initiatives. | Evidence of infrastructure set up. Examples of how infrastructure works in practice to deliver outcomes. |
Recruitment and Retention | Targeted efforts are established to attract diverse applicant pools. Hiring process is structured to eliminate bias. Thoughtful and focused initiatives are in place to create opportunities for career advancement and promotion for all individuals. | Examples of recruitment efforts, documented hiring and promotion process, and development opportunities. |
Training and Education | Diversity, equity and including learning is available and ongoing through the Company. | Examples of ongoing training opportunities. |
Partners and Community Awareness/Engagement | Effort to share learnings outside of the Company through collaboration and shared learning. | Evidence that the Company has worked with business and community partners to develop and implement the initiative(s). |
Culture | Successful implementation of initiatives that have led to changes in “the way we do things around here” | Evidence of shift in mindset to valuing diversity, equity, and inclusion at all levels of the Company. |
Other | Any goals, initiatives, metrics anecdotes of how the organizations had engaged with and increased diversity, equity, and inclusion that was not covered above. |
For questions concerning the awards program, please contact Megan McCullough at 202-587-4241 or by email at mmccullough@meatinstitute.org.