Foreign Animal Disease
The occurrence of a foreign animal disease (FAD) in the U.S. could devastate the food animal industries. In the event of an outbreak, it is likely that live animal movement, product movement, and exports would be halted for an unknown amount of time. Being prepared for an outbreak situation can help keep plants running or shorten the amount of time that movement or exports are stalled in the event a foreign animal disease is discovered in the U.S. This page contains information on various foreign animal diseases that can threaten the United States, and provides guidance on how to prepare and handle an outbreak situation. Additional information can be found by following the links to global and U.S. information pages for specific diseases, embedded in each document.
Fact Sheets
African Swine Fever (affects only swine)
Avian Influenza (affects only poultry)
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (affects only cattle)
Classical Swine Fever (affects only swine)
Foot and Mouth Disease (affects swine, cattle, sheep)
Virulent Newcastle Disease (affects only poultry)
Meat Institute Foreign Animal Disease Guidance Documents
FAD Guidance #1: FAD Preparedness
FAD Guidance #2: Clinical Signs of Foreign Animal Diseases
FAD Guidance #3: FAD Investigations in Slaughter Facilities
FAD Guidance #4: Biosecurity and Cleaning/Disinfection
Pork Packer African Swine Fever Response Strategy
Other Helpful Documents
Secure Food Supply Plans
These plans provide opportunities to voluntarily prepare for an outbreak before it occurs. Participation in these plans will better position herds/farms that are negative for an FAD to continue moving animals, therefore maintain business continuity in the face of an outbreak.
Letter to Pork Suppliers from Packers regarding African Swine Fever
This letter can be used by Meat Institute members to inform and engage their hog suppliers about African Swine Fever and what measures can be implemented to prevent the disease on their farms.
Secure Food Supply/Regionalization/Compartmentalization
This resource explains the similarities and differences between the concepts of the Secure Food Supply Programs, regionalization, and compartmentalization.