Environmental Recognition Awards Program Criteria

Because different companies have different business plans, needs, and capabilities, the MAPS four tier approach guides companies through a tailor-made EMS to fit each plant's specific needs. Tier 1 starts with a basic environmental policy statement and environmental compliance criteria. Tier 2 incorporates a complete EMS model developed in conjunction with EPA. Tier 3 builds on the momentum of the previous tiers and progresses with the addition of "checks and balances" to the process. Tier 4 culminates with an ISO 14001 EMS - EPA's highest level of environmental management. Each Meat Institute member can choose the tier or degrees of complexity that works best for their company or plant.

The final step in the MAPS Program is our national awards program designed to recognize improvements and achievements in the industry. For additional information, including requirements and submission instructions, click here.

Program Information and Tier Criteria

All documents are downloadable as a PDF.

Full Environmental Program Document


Tier I

  • Commitment of upper management
  • Develop a core EMS team
  • Develop and adopt environmental policy
  • Develop business case
  • Adopt Meat Institute model pollution prevention plan
  • Adopt Meat Institute model emergency response plan
  • Adopt Meat Institute model preventative maintenance plan
  • Adopt Meat Institute model internal communication plan
  • Monitor and record water/utility use, wastewater discharge, air emissions and hazardous/solid waste generation rates

Tier II

  • Meet Tier 1 Criteria
  • Expand EMS team
  • Conduct gap analysis
  • Adopt 5-9 Environmental Practices
  • Identify and prioritize environmental aspects and impacts
  • Develop and implement external communication plan

Tier III

  • Meet Tier 1 and 2 Criteria
  • Complete "Plan, Do, Check, Act" components
  • Establish Objectives and Targets
  • Educate at least one additional facility about EMS program and encourage participation

Tier IV

  • Complete Tier 1, 2 and 3 criteria
  • Complete Auditing Cycle and Certification checklist
  • ISO 14001
