Supplier LOCT

Supplier LOCT

The Meat Institute has partnered with Supplier LOCT (Supplier Leadership on Climate Transition), an online climate school managed by global consultancy Guidehouse. This membership benefits provides meat industry professionals with an education that aligns with current global protocols, standards, and pledges.

Meat Institute Members can participate in any of the following courses (1-5) depending on where the Company is in their emission inventory journey. Guidehouse will help determine course placement. Courses 1-5 build on each other and have some pre-requisites after Scope 1 & 2. The Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy course can be taken at any time as of Spring 2023.


Supplier LOCT Mountain View

  1. Scope 1 & 2 Footprinting. Measuring direct GHG emissions from owned or controlled sources. Examples: electricity, steam, heat, cooling; transportation fleet.
    1. Supports improvement on Protein PACT Environmental Metrics A18-A22 about Scope 1 & 2.
  2. Scope 3 Footprinting & FLAG (Forest, Land and Agricultural Guidance). Determine supply chain GHG emissions that occur from sources not owned or controlled by the company.
    1. Supports improvement on Protein PACT Environmental Metrics A23-28 about Scope 3.
    2. Supports improvement on Protein PACT Environmental Metrics A31 -A32 about Land Use.
    3. Supports improvement on Protein PACT Environmental Metrics A33-A36 about Supplier Commitments.
  3. Target Setting. Commit to or set a science-based target (SBT) to reduce GHG emissions with the Scienced-Based Target initiative (SBTi).
    1. Supports improvement on Protein PACT Environmental Metrics A29 & A30 about target setting.
    2. Participating in these first three courses drives progress to the Meat Industry's 2030 Environmental Goal: that 100% of members will have an approved Science Based Target to reduce emissions in line with the Paris Climate Agreement goals, which the U.S. signed.
  4. Abatement. Identify GHG emissions reductions opportunities and develop a plan, "roadmap", for implementation.
  5. Disclosure. Improve the accuracy of Scope 3 emissions by allocating supplier companies’ activities or emissions data to a specific product and reporting to the CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) and other key stakeholders.
  6. Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. Identify the correct projects to implement and provide access to funding to support and accelerate efforts. The Science Based Target initiative has identified 80% renewable electricity procurement by 2025 and 100% by 2030 in alignment with the recommendations of RE100.
    1. New - Spring 2024. Currently, this course can be taken at any time.
    2. For Meat Institute members not yet ready to start with measuring emissions, this could be a course for consideration.
    3. Supports improvement on Protein PACT Environmental Metrics A14-A16 about Energy Use.

The Supplier LOCT education program is a once-a-month webinar with a monthly homework assignment for six months. Each month the Supplier LOCT expert instructors host office hours to help answer any questions in this pre-competitive educational space.

A Meat Institute member company can have five participants for the course. It is recommended that three of the participants have the following roles:

  1. Environmental Sustainability Lead
  2. Someone from procurement/supplier relationships
  3. Someone from finance department, accounting background, and/or who has access to utility bill information.

Enrollment Fee of $3,000 per Company covers the education program for the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 courses. Each "Semester" the Company will have the opportunity to enroll five participants who receive access to live webinars; a platform discussion board; office hours with Supplier LOCT expert instructors; and receive course completion certificates as appropriate. Participants in the courses gain access to recorded webinars of their courses for one year from enrollment.

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