Elevate Productivity And Performance With Enterprise Automation

Curious about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can benefit your business but unsure where to start? Join Infor and the Meat Institute for an insightful webinar where we'll explore practical uses of AI, Machine Learning (ML), and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in the protein industry. Discover how AI and ML enable predictive analytics and data-driven decision-making to optimize inventory management, monitor shipments, and tackle supply chain disruptions.

Consumer Trust in the Animal Protein Industry

Join the Meat Institute and Technomic as we dive into Technomic’s Q4 2023 Meat Institute Protein PACT consumer report. Since 2020, Technomic has been tracking consumer sentiment and trust in the meat industry. This webinar will focus on trust metrics in key focus areas and the impact of increasing trust in the industry on purchasing and industry growth. The webinar will also look at trends and key drivers of consumer meat and poultry purchases.

Advanced Listeria monocytogenes Intervention and Control Workshop spring 2024

Every day, RTE manufacturers face the challenge of controlling Listeria monocytogenes to produce safe, nutritious products. This workshop will cover the latest developments in Listeria control, taught by industry experts using real-life examples from their own plant experience. Workshop topics include process control, sanitation, sanitary design, environmental monitoring, investigations, corrective actions, and critical information to help processors stay up to date on regulatory issues and changes.

Continuous Improvement And Water Management Strategies For The Meat Industry

Join the Meat Institute and Birko, as we explore the importance of water quality and utilization in production facilities related to sustainability goals, savings, and efficiencies. This webinar will highlight Protein PACT’s continuous improvement strategy and metric results related to water management in processing facilities.