New Data Show COVID-19 Case Rates for Meat and Poultry Workers More than 8 Times Lower than General Population

WASHINGTON, DC -- New analysis of independent data for the full month of November show that reported new COVID-19 infection rates amongst meat and poultry workers were more than 8 times lower than rates in the general population.

According to data from the Food and Environment Reporting Network (data), the meat and poultry sector was reported to have an average of 5.57 new cases per 100,000 workers per day in November. Infection rates amongst meat and poultry workers have declined steeply in the last six months, while surging across the United States.

UFCW, Meat Institute Call on Governors in All 50 States to Prioritize Vaccination of Frontline Meat & Poultry Workers

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, the nation's largest union for meatpacking workers and the association representing meat producers joined forces to urge all 50 U.S. governors to urgently prioritize COVID-19 vaccination for frontline meat and poultry workers across the United States, in accordance with official Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance.


WASHINGTON, DC -- New analysis of independent data for 2020 show that reported new COVID-19 infection rates amongst meat and poultry workers were five times lower in December than in May, while rates in the general population rocketed up by nine times in the same period.

North American Meat Institute Calls on Biden Administration to Ensure Meat and Poultry Workers are Vaccinated

WASHINGTON, DC - As some states begin to vaccinate essential meat and poultry workers, The North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) today called for the Biden Administration's help in ensuring all states prioritize these workers to receive the vaccine and its long-term protection from COVID-19.

Meat Institute President and CEO Julie Anna Potts encouraged the White House to ensure all states prioritize vaccine access for the diverse meat and poultry workforce, which will also maximize health benefits in rural communities than can have limited health services.

COVID AT One Year: Infections in Meat Sector 85% Lower than General Population with Urgent Need to Accelerate Vaccination

WASHINGTON, DC -- Nearly one year after the first reported cases of COVID-19 among meat and poultry workers, comprehensive protections have brought case rates to just 2.67 cases per day per 100,000 workers - more than 85% lower than rates in the general population (18.25 cases per day per 100,000 people) and more than 98% lower than the May 2020 peak in the sector (98.39 cases per day per 100,000 workers).