Foreign Material Maturity Model
Foreign Material Maturity Model
This Foreign Material Maturity Model has been designed by an independent group of North American Meat Institute member companies for the meat and poultry industry. Maturity models are useful tools that companies and establishments can utilize to assess their current programs and identify opportunities for continuous improvement. This maturity model may be used to help guide a company and align team members along the journey to improved foreign material control and prevention. For best use, companies should conduct an initial evaluation exercise, identify areas for improvement, develop action plans, and reevaluate on a regular basis, such as annually. The tool is not intended to discourage companies who may be less mature and it is likely unreasonable to set a goal to be in the most mature state (5) in all areas during the first or second evaluation. Instead, companies should let the maturity model be a guide to make targeted improvements in focused areas, one level at a time, over time.