Fall Advanced Listeria monocytogenes Intervention and Control Workshop
Every day, RTE manufacturers face the challenge of controlling Listeria monocytogenes to produce safe, nutritious products. Taught by the foremost experts in the meat and poultry industry, this year's two-day immersive workshop will use real-life examples from their plant experience to cover the latest developments in Listeria control. From process control and sanitation to sanitary design, environmental monitoring, investigations, and corrective actions, processors will gain critical information to stay up-to-date on regulatory issues and changes.
Consumer and Operator Trust in Food Safety
Curious how consumers, retailers, and food service providers perceive food safety and how these perceptions impact the meat industry? Join this webinar to dive into the latest research as it relates to how consumer & operator trust scores in food safety can impact consumption of meat & poultry products.
Introducing Automation to the Sanitation Process: Is Your Business Ready?
While many meat processors are automating packing areas and other key processes, sanitation still presents a big opportunity. Maintaining high standards for food safety requires a comprehensive approach that involves continuous employee training and investments in technology and tools. Is it time to introduce automation to the sanitation process?
Protein PACT Summit 2024
The Protein PACT Summit, the premier event for meat industry leaders, returns for its fourth year, offering a powerful platform to elevate your knowledge, network with peers, and shape the future of sustainable protein production.
Gain actionable insights on critical industry topics like consumer trust, sustainable value creation, and continuous improvement strategies, and engage in thought-provoking discussions with fellow executives and renowned experts, including climate scientist Dr. Katharine Hayhoe.
Regenerative Agriculture 101 Series Part 2
What is Regenerative Agriculture? The term has been used for decades but has recently become a buying trend among consumers.
Don't miss out on this two-part webinar series, where we will share valuable insights on the fundamentals of regenerative agriculture, compare the movement to traditional farming practices, and examine the rumors surrounding regenerative agriculture in the protein space.
Part I: June 18, 2024: The Ins, the Outs, and the Environmental Impact
Regenerative Agriculture 101 Series Part 1
What is Regenerative Agriculture? The term has been used for decades but has recently become a buying trend among consumers.
Don't miss out on this two-part webinar series, where we will share valuable insights on the fundamentals of regenerative agriculture, compare the movement to traditional farming practices, and examine the rumors surrounding regenerative agriculture in the protein space.
Part I: June 18, 2024: The Ins, the Outs, and the Environmental Impact