What is Regenerative Agriculture? The term has been used for decades but has recently become a buying trend among consumers.

Don't miss out on this two-part webinar series, where we will share valuable insights on the fundamentals of regenerative agriculture, compare the movement to traditional farming practices, and examine the rumors surrounding regenerative agriculture in the protein space.

Part I: June 18, 2024: The Ins, the Outs, and the Environmental Impact

In Part I, experts will discuss the benefits and disadvantages of regenerative agriculture, as well as labor and capital requirements, management needs, and the benefits to future ecosystems.

Part II: July 25, 2024: Case Study - Collaborating to Cultivate Regenerative Practices Throughout the Value Chain

Bayer will share findings from their partnership with Perdue at driving regenerative-agricultural practices throughout their value chain.

Regenerative Agriculture
Event Name

Regenerative Agriculture 101 Series
Part II: Case Study - Collaborating to Cultivate Regenerative Practices Throughout the Value Chain

Full Date

Thursday, July 25 at 2:00 PM ET

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